Sprint Dial Codes

How to enter Sprint dial code
Just open your dialpad and dial ##NUMBER# or *#*#NUMBER#*#*
You dont need to press dial after the last # is entered for ##NUM#
(or * in case of *#*#NUM#*#*)
The number is listed below.

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If you have custom dialer these codes might not work.
If you have custom ROM these codes might not work.
If you have AOSP dialer *#*#XXXXXX#*#* might work.
All the codes will not work for all the phones (verified).
The dial codes depends upon your phone model.
Only some of the code will work for your phone.
These dial codes most likely not work in other CDMA phone (Verizon).

Code          Number     Explanation
##AKEY#       2539       Allows you to set a AKEY for the phone
##CLEAR#      25327      ?
##CMAS#       2627       ?
##(?TRACEON)  28722366   Trace Enabled
##(?TRACEOFF) 287223633  Trace Disabled
##FCC#        322        ?
##DATA#       3282       Main programming of Sprint vision options 
##DEBUG#      33284      Shows the cellular radio debug info, signal etc...
##DIAG#       3424       Passthrough enabled
##ESN#        376        ?
##ERR#        377        Last Error code
#HELP#        4357       only one # before code
##GPS#        447        GPS Setting
##INFO#       4636       Phone Info
##GPSCLRX#    4772579
##LOOPBACK#   56672225   Has the loopback test calls menu
##OFF#        633        Phone off
##ON#         66         Phone ON
##OMADM#      66236      ?
##MODEMNAI#   66336624   ?
##MRU#        678        ?
##PASS#       7277       Phone off and Passthrough enabled
##SCRTN#      72786      ?
##744#        744        ?
##PASSOFF#    7277633    Passthrough disabled
##SSDRTN#     773786     ?
##PRI#        774        Allows you to change the PRI of the phone 
##PRL#        775        unlock PRL
##pst#        778        edit epst??? Displays critical data allows you to 
##PREV#       7738       Allows you to set the p-rev of your phone 
##RTN#        786        Shows runtime and info on phone
##(?TRACEON)  798722366  Trace Enabled
##(?TRACEOFF) 7987223633 Trace Disabled
##TEST#       8378       ?
##TETHERED    83843733   Tethered Mode On 
##TIME        8463       Current time 
##VOCODER#    8626337    vocoder??? settings are home orig and roam orig
                         (edit A-key, NAM settings, CDMA settings,
                         home SID and NID, modem settings, PRL,
                         packet dial string, phone directiry,
                         M.IP settings, M.IP default profile and 5 customer profiles.)
##UPST#       8778       phone utility/Bootloader
##(?TRACEON)  88722366   Trace Enabled
##(?TRACEOFF) 887223633  Trace Disabled
##TTY#        889        TTY Menu 
##WLAN#       9526       ?
##6DIGIT#     6 Digit    Programming your phone (six-digit MSL/SPC code)

Some other codes
DATA_HIDDEN  = "##543282443336#"
LG_HIDDEN_TEST  = "3845#*855#"
LG_SERVICE_HIDDEN_CODE  = "##5473784236368"
VERIZON_HIDDEN  = "##7764726855"
VZW_DEVICE_INFO_HIDDEN  = "#43574357*"
DEVICE_TEST  = "3845#*855#"